Freshie 2025 Registration Form

By completing this form you are indicating:
  • your willingness for your child to participate in regular activities run by Freshie Youth Group @ St Marks Anglican Church, Freshwater.
  • your permission for your child to receive such medical treatment as the leader may deem necessary during the activities of Freshie Youth Group. You authorise the use of ambulance if in the leaders judgement it is necessary. You agree to accept responsibility for the payment of all expenses associated with such treatment. Every care will be taken by the leaders. Every effort will be made to contact you prior to following such procedures.

Parent/guardian/emergency contact details

Child details

Data Privacy

The leadership team of St Marks Freshwater will treat this information confidentially. This information may be shared with a third party when it concerns medical health or care of the individuals listed. If you wish to access this information or have any queries in relation to the manner in which we handle your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us.